Saturday, January 24, 2009

a mundane life.

wow, it's been a really long time since i last posted. the font setting here at home is different than the one on my laptop but i am too lazy to fix it. well i my christmas break is coming to a close. i have been substituting pretty much all of january. it has been so trying but so rewarding, i definitely know that this is my future career. i don't really know why i'm posting really, nothing exciting has been happening. everyone in town has gone back to school and all that is left here in Borger is John, Kayti and me. (really lame). Last weekend OBU opened its' dorms for free for the weekend. it was so nice to see everyone! i miss them all so much. John got a taste of what life will be like next semester. i'm so excited for him and it is still pretty surreal that he will be on the same campus as me.
wow this is a boring post.
i recently did an art project for John. it's a huge poster that is collaged and it is all about Africa. I'm really proud of it. If my stupid camera were working i'd post pictures. i'm sorta of hoping a new one will fall into my lap miraculously. i really miss having a working one.
so i am officially a college student. i know i've been in college for a semester already but not until now have i been totally and completely broke (besides for some change in my purse). it's rough i've been working my butt off for the schools earning about 400 dollars now which i won't even get to see. it all goes towards paying off my ridiculous cell phone bill. i know those are repercussions of my actions but it still stinks that if i'm LUCKY i'll see fifty to one hundred dollars after i worked so hard. oh well there is always next year.
anyways i'm ready to be back in schoo. i have a new roomie and i love her and i'm so excited about our new room and decorations and everything.
this post is kind of lame but i felt like writing.