Monday, June 23, 2008

remember i wrote it for you.

so i was in a bloggy mood tonight. i'm not really sure why. this past weekend was a great one. we went to okc to visit my brother and take him out. i always love to do things with my family. they are so much fun and we always have a really great time. i didn't realize how much i missed my bubbers. we get eachothers humor and have similar interests. seriously, the whole trip was one big office/arrested development quote. it was awesome. we went to a movie and spent like an hour in this bookstore and ate at some great restaraunts and roamed brick town for a bit. it was a blast. they are some cool people. so much of me comes from who they are. i can't say enough how AWESOME my family is.
so i've found out that i really love new things. like, i know most people always enjoy and appreciate a new thing.'s totally different with me. i get a kick out of a new box of cereal, i get way excited. it just feels good to me to have something that wasn't there before. just the idea of it being new. i mean i just went shopping not even a month ago and already i'm sick of my current wardrobe and want some new things. haha but maybe that's part of being a girl. but i get giddy when i get new toiletries i don't know why but i love them. when we were in okc we were at a super walmart and i got some different beauty products. it was all things i absolutely didn't need but i just wanted something new. i got some hair spray, some stuff to make my hair curly and a new toothbrush. so great. i'm so weird, haha but i seriously just love new things. no matter how small.

my new goodies =]

anyways i'm working on a scrapbook for my boyfriend, i think i've already mentioned this. but i really want to upload pictures of it because for me first book, i'm pretty proud of it. but i'm keeping it as a surprise for him and he frequents my blog and i don't want to give anything away. still, kind of frustrating when i want to show off. haha. i should be finishing very soon (hopefully within the week). i'm soo excited. once i finish i will definitely upload photos of some of the pages!

song for the day: the simple life by sherwood.

anyways that's enough for tonight. this was kind of pointless

Thursday, June 19, 2008

about the other night

before you read: this post has no structure...just kind of a flow of thoughts

so last night was seriously one of the most glorious days of my life. well i'm prone to over reacting and embellishing things but last night...and the whole day really was just really great. the started off with my daily hour of Jon and Kate Plus 8. I seriously love that show, it always makes me laugh. then my boyfran' (John) came over and we watched a movie and had a quiet time. now let me say this, one of the coolest things about John is that we pray together and that we do quiet times. he comes over every morning with a dr. pepper and we sit down and spend some time with the Lord together praying for eachother, our walks, and our relationship. i've never had this with anyone before but i've always wanted to and what's more is it was HIS idea. so cool, right? so i've come to find anytime you start your day off with prayer it's bound to be better than without. then John and I made some mac and cheese and chilled for a bit. later i went over to Ember's house to scrapbook. something i've really gotten into lately. a few people told me i'd be good at it and that i should try but i never really thought about it. anyways somehow Ember talked me into it and i go over there and work on one and she helps out and gives me great ideas and techniques. it's something i really like, a way to relieve stress, get your mind off of things, spend time with a cool friend plus i'm pretty good at it. now let me say this about Ember...she is seriously one of the coolest people i know. i've known her for a year or two now but i've never really gotten the chance to just hang out with her and talk with her. she's so cool she likes good music (like the shins) and we really get eachothers sense of humor. i can tell her alot of things which is really cool. i tell her things about John or how i'm not quite ready to leave home yet or how i miss my brother. it's so cool. anyways after that i had to go to work for two hours which was the worst part of the day and it wasn't even that horrible. anyways i went over to Johns and his mom made us some curried fish and it was bombin'. she shared some really funny stories about him when he was younger...he got a little embarrassed. we decided to go to the park and look at the stars we grabbed blankets and pillows and just posted up on the ground at Huber. unfortunately the sky was eaten up by a mass of rain clouds but it was still beautiful. John and I had a great conversation about all kinds of's cool that we can talk about everything. then basically he took me home.
now for the whole point of this blog (i know it's long enough already right?) the sky going home that night. it's amazing how God chooses to show himself to you. sometimes it's in my moms infinite wisdom, sometimes it's when my brother hugs me or laughs with me, sometimes it's just sitting there soaking Him in. i find such immense beauty and wonder in nature...especially the sky. nothing captivates me like a gorgeous moon, a starry sky, a colorful sunset or a lightning storm. last night there was a gorgeous lightning storm racing through the clouds. it was a constant display and dance of light between the clouds. in that moment i felt His beauty, His love, magnificence and power. in that moment i felt like it was all alright. even though some might find a lightning storm violent or scary, i found it incredibly moving and peaceful. i knew that He delighted in me and that He was happy for me and that He's happy with where I'm at. all in a lightning storm. in some way i feel like He showcased His love and power that night just for me. like He knew how much i take delight in His nature and he chose to enthrall me that night through that storm. i feel peace and maybe it's opposite to feel and find peace in a lightning storm but i've never felt so content with where my life is at. try as Satan might to discourage me and dishearten me i know i am happy with where i'm at and that God is as well. and isn't that all that matters?

Monday, June 16, 2008

the first

So this is my first blog. I used to do a lot of journaling and I've sort of been slacking a little. I do plan on being more consistent with my journals but I thought this was a great alternative as well. I know it's super "trendy" to blog but I am doing it because I enjoy writing so this is just a tool to express some thoughts and assemble feelings. I'm not really sure what to write so I guess I will start with a few things I'm thinking about
1. Fair Trade. Lately I've been interested in trading fairly from grower to sewer. I want to learn more about it. I know there is a lot of oppression in the trading company in third world countries and it frustrates me that America supports so much of it. I only know a few companies that do not support Fair Trade such as Nike and some coffee they serve at Starbucks although I know there are a lot more than that. If anyone knows other companies please let me know, I like to be educated.
2.I'm dating (and talking to right now) the greatest boy ever. I know I'm only 17, almost 18, but this is pretty serious. I may be too young for all of this but I don't care. I know I may sound naive but I know what I feel and I've never felt this before. He's super sweet to me, he brings me Dr. Peppers to work, he writes me letters, takes me star gazing, and leaves me flowers underneath my windshield. He's a great guy who always respects me, pursues me, prays with me, encourages me and makes me laugh. Yeah his name is John Mark... he's a pretty radd guy. I can only imagine how ridiculous I sound but it doesn't matter to me.
3. I am hungryyy. So I'm going to leave and grab some food. I'm sure this blog was lame but I'm in a crunch for time and will write something of importance next time
